Goodness what a hectic month September has been! First a friend and her DH decided to come for a visit, since it's been two years since we've seen anyone (thank you Covid!). We are all double-vaccinated, so was nice to get together with friends even if it was just for a few days.

But, again thanx to Covid, we had a timeshare credit (from a cancelled trip to NB), which we had to use up. So Bill and I stole away for a few days, and had some relaxation in a cottage on the St. Lawrence River. It was lovely, no email, no work, just reading and stitching and walking!

HOWEVER, the NEXT week my brother and his wife came to visit. Well, they mainly wanted to visit our parents (who they hadn't seen for several years, since they live out west), but they stayed with us. FYI, my parents live next door. As with the others, it was lovely to see them - and it has been even longer since he and I saw each other, as my parents were able to go out west before Covid struck.

But all these people, after no people for so long, was a little overwhelming, and I sort of had a big sigh of relief when it was just us again!

So, what did I get stitched in the middle of all that chaos? I was still working away on my GNOME GREETING CARDS, which I am pleased to say are going to the distributor this month, so they'll be on my website next month... and I worked up some new classes for the EMBROIDERY ASSOCIATION OF CANADA SEMINAR 2023, including a new Hardanger box with dragonflies on the top - yummy!

Keep safe until next month...


I have had such an exciting summer! We have finally been allowed a bit more freedom, and though we aren't travelling, or seeing anyone who isn't vaccinated, but Bill's family met at his sister's cottage for the first time in two years, and we had some people here for a bbq. Small steps, and all socially distanced and observing protocols, but so appreciated after so much time apart.

One of the MANY things I've been filling my time with, is improving my writing. Some of you may know that I have written a few books for our DD's and friends, which I've never done anything with. Now that self-publishingis becoming such a big thing, I may look into what Amazon has to offer. Or I may get very brave and approach an agent or two (wink).

Right now, I'm learning how much there is to learn about writing! I've joined a great webgroup which has many free seminars (as well as paid ones I'm avoiding for now), and it also has a section where we can submit work to be critiqued by our peers. They have given me SOOO much great insight, and I hope I'm improving.

Bill also found a MASTER CLASS website, which costs about the same as Netflix, and it is truly amazing how many famous people have set up lectures on there! He and I have a few we both want to hear, such as Neil deGrasse Tyson, so we're playing him at night. On his own, Bill is watching some music and survival classes, while I am doing a writing MC by RL Stine (who is a very famous children's book writer, if you don't know his name - he wrote the GOOSEBUMPS series).

I won't bore you with more about writing, except to say I'm working on 3 novels and 3 children's books, LOL. So I'll be busy for a while!

But I'm not neglecting my designing! I have the next 2 issues of A NEEDLE PULLING THREAD models stitched and ready to ship, and designs for the two issues after that ready to send to stitchers, so I'm quite happy with that! I am still working on the GNOME GREETING CARDS I gave you a peek of a while ago, and am starting work on 2022's designs. WHEW, I'm tired just listing it all! I hope you've been keeping busy during these trying times - learn something new, it really does help the time pass! Till next time...


What a busy summer this has been!  Now that things are slowly starting to reopen, I've had some daring customers coming to call, we've been out to dinner with Bill's mom, and we even went to a threatre production... but never fear, all were safe!  The restaurant had spaced seating, and the play moved out of the theatre, to the fairgrounds.  It was quite fun, they presented DRIVE-IN THE MUSICAL, and we all watched from our cars (as if we were the drive-in audience), with the stage raised at the front (where the movie would normally go) and the actors voices coming through our radio - just like a real drive-in! 

As you may have heard, I've also been a bit busy with my folks, as my mom had a minor stroke a month ago this week.  She is improving tremendously, but not allowed to drive yet (of course), so we have been doing errands and acting as chauffeur.  I have NOT been neglecting my stitching (wink), and this month I finished up the BUTTERFLY design for the magazine (which I showed you last month).  I just have to find a frame and get it mounted, and it's ready to ship...

I've also been busy stitching one of the cross-stitch boxes, as those 11 SAL's finish next month (hint: you can still sign up and get all the back pieces!).  I changed the way I want to finish it, so I need a stitched one to assemble, so I can take step-by-step pictures!

I have a new contract with artist Frances Tyrrell, and among other artwork she's given me FOUR absolutely ADORABLE snowman designs.  Good news - the first one has been converted and goes out to a stitcher this week!  There is a slim change it will be released this year... but it's actually scheduled for early 2022. You're going to LOVE them (wink). Here's a peek at a wee bit of the one I hope to get in the mail tomorrow, called SNOW MAIL (OOPS - those tiny black dots in the background are placment marks for snowflake treasures!):

PEEK S 450

I have so many things on my desk that need to be done... bookkeeping; designs; newsletter... but I recently started some writing courses, to improve (and possibly publish) some books I've written, and I feel like I'm in University, LOL. 

Knowledge is being poured into my head, and I'm trying to absorb it before it leaks out... but I keep getting seduced away from my work to play with words and ideas... it's quite exhilerating! 

I hadn't expected to be so excited to learn, since I'm in my 60's, but I'm delighted to find you're never too old to try new things! In fact, that may be what keeps one young!

I'm going to replace the first chapter (which is available on my website), as I've re-written it (several times) now, and it's so much better than when I wrote it 20 years ago!

Anyway, I must be off to write a newsletter, so I can cross 2 more things off my to-do list!  Keep safe, and we'll talk next month...


As usual, another busy month!  I FINALLY finished stitching the WATER FRACTAL for A Needle Pulling Thread (ANPT), and it's gone off to the editor for photography...

Now I'm stitching another (much smaller) piece, also for ANPT, and it's both beautiful and funny, LOL - here's your peek ... this is a graphic (not the stitching), and the blues are even prettier in person (GBG): 


I am also almost finished graphing Jim Keirstead's BRONCO RIDER, so I'll give you a peek of that one next month... 

The first GNOME GREETING CARD (which I showed you last month) has been stitched, and honestly, they are even more quirky and adorable in floss than I thought they would be... I did Fuzzy Stuff beards, and it added a real WOW to the design. 

Speaking of gnomes, I created two smaller versions of my HOME GNOMES for EAC SEMINAR next summer... they are shorter - 5" and 6" - and both female!  One is winding "wool" and the other is quilting - though because of Covid I had a heck of a time finding miniature fabric to use for the quilt.  Fortunately I have great stitching friends, and last week a fat quarter appeared in my mail box, covered with miniature quilts - enough for the whole class!  S0 tonight I'm taking a break from stitching to put a border around the quilt and finish my last adorable Home Gnome.

Have I been working on anything else?  I started doing a bit of writing again... every once in a while a story itch bites me, LOL.  But that got me thinking about editing the first book I wrote for my girls when they were young teens... I've joined an on-line writers group which offers writing and editing courses to it's members.  They also help match you up with publishers for your genre and help you write the letter of approach.  So all that has me thinking about semdomg a publisher some of my work...

Encouragement appreciated!  At the very least, I may get them "Kindle" or "Tablet" ready, and see how they do on Amazon... this will be a long-term project, so wish me luck! 

Well, I think that's it for me this month... catch you again in July... HAPPY CANADA DAY... and HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to our neighbours!


I'm not sure how anyone manages to be bored during the Pandemic, LOL, as I seem to be running around like crazy, trying to get a million things done! 

May has been no exception... as the weather grows nicer, my DH and I are eager to get the big screened room on our deck open. 

Having to install a new canvas roof was a challenge, but with my 86-year-old dad's help we managed to get it on... now the lovely wooden screen door needs some repair work - guess we shouldn't have left it on for the winter... lesson learned, LOL. 

Bill (my DH) has also replaced a few screens that he managed to damage using the space as a workshop over the winter (!), and the furniture is back in place.  We've even started eating most meals out there - when the weather cooperates!  My only concern is that the fabric on the couch and chair cushions is fading from all the sun that room gets, so I may have to re-cover them (sigh), add that to the list... 

Just about a whole week was taken up this month with publicity photos, videos and brochure write-ups for EAC SEMINAR 2022!  I've been asked to teach both a 2-day and a 1-day class, and they needed everything, like yesterday, LOL.  The 1-day class was something I had to come up with at the last minute, as they had a teacher drop out...

However,  ANPT kindly allowed me to steal the GROWTH TREE project I created for them, so I'm doing a class called MOVING UP, where we'll look at working with overdyed and varigated threads (and what's the difference); and we'll also look at stepping up from Aida to evenweaves or linens (and what's the difference, LOL).  Should be fun! 

Of course I'm still working away on other designs... GNOMES seem to be a big theme with me this year (GBG), and I'm working on a set of GNOME GREETING CARDS, which are just a hoot - here's a peek at a bit of the large EASTER card (there will be designs for a large or small card for each occasion covered): 

Keep well until next month, when I'll have more to share about future designs!




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