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As usual, another busy month!  I FINALLY finished stitching the WATER FRACTAL for A Needle Pulling Thread (ANPT), and it's gone off to the editor for photography...

Now I'm stitching another (much smaller) piece, also for ANPT, and it's both beautiful and funny, LOL - here's your peek ... this is a graphic (not the stitching), and the blues are even prettier in person (GBG): 


I am also almost finished graphing Jim Keirstead's BRONCO RIDER, so I'll give you a peek of that one next month... 

The first GNOME GREETING CARD (which I showed you last month) has been stitched, and honestly, they are even more quirky and adorable in floss than I thought they would be... I did Fuzzy Stuff beards, and it added a real WOW to the design. 

Speaking of gnomes, I created two smaller versions of my HOME GNOMES for EAC SEMINAR next summer... they are shorter - 5" and 6" - and both female!  One is winding "wool" and the other is quilting - though because of Covid I had a heck of a time finding miniature fabric to use for the quilt.  Fortunately I have great stitching friends, and last week a fat quarter appeared in my mail box, covered with miniature quilts - enough for the whole class!  S0 tonight I'm taking a break from stitching to put a border around the quilt and finish my last adorable Home Gnome.

Have I been working on anything else?  I started doing a bit of writing again... every once in a while a story itch bites me, LOL.  But that got me thinking about editing the first book I wrote for my girls when they were young teens... I've joined an on-line writers group which offers writing and editing courses to it's members.  They also help match you up with publishers for your genre and help you write the letter of approach.  So all that has me thinking about semdomg a publisher some of my work...

Encouragement appreciated!  At the very least, I may get them "Kindle" or "Tablet" ready, and see how they do on Amazon... this will be a long-term project, so wish me luck! 

Well, I think that's it for me this month... catch you again in July... HAPPY CANADA DAY... and HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to our neighbours!



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