Stitch Count: 280W x 224H
Retail: $15.00
The initial print run of this chart was missing some information.
All subsequent runs have been corrected,
so if your chart DOESN'T have an * after the stock number (V-100*)
then the following information is missing/incorrect on your chart:
IMPORTANT... the half-stitching (sky) colors s/b stitched with ONE strand of floss (1X),
NOT three strands (3X) as indicated on the chart.
ALSO... the stitch count is missing, so here are some finished stitching sizes:
Stitch Count: 280W x 224H
11 count…approx. 25.5"W x 20.5" H (65 cm W x 52 cm H
14 count…approx. 16”W x 20”H (51 cm W x 41 cm H)
18 count…approx. 15.5"W x 12.5"H (40 cm W x 32 cm H)
Remember, if your chart has an asterisk after the stock number (V-100*) then
these corrections have already been made on your chart.